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Graduation and Beyond

The society has developed a program to support the transition from “Student to Professional membership.

As you enter the engineering management profession, you will find that it is essential to continue your professional development and involvement in the larger engineering management community. By continuing your membership in ASEM, you demonstrate to your current and future employers that you are willing to continue to grow in your knowledge and skills. To help with this process, ASEM initiated a special transition rate for students who are moving into full-time professional careers:

  • The “Student to Professional” program allows student members to extend membership into the professional category for a special transition rate of $50 per year following the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree for five-years, and a three-year transition rate of $50 per year following a Master’s degree. These rates are offered from the point of graduation and are not additive if a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree are pursued in sequence, but special requests can made from graduates to the ASEM Membership and Mentorship Program Director to determine eligibility for this offering. Please contact ASEM World Headquarters at for the Student to Professional discount code to register online, or mail in this form.
  • In addition be on the lookout for special rates for young professionals will apply for the international annual conference, and other offerings on a case-by-case basis. Lastly, the ASEM Leader Engineering Leader Mentor Program will offer future opportunities to connect to life-long practicing professionals across multiple industries, both public and private, and across academia. This fee offering is just one component of the mentoring value proposition ASEM presents to YOU!

The bottom line is that the society strongly supports the involvement and participation of recent students moving into the professional membership category. Please reach out to the Membership Director if you have questions!

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Dr. Bill Daughton

Professor Emeritus

Missouri S&T

ASEM World Headquarters     *     200 Sparkman Drive, Suite 2     *     Huntsville, Alabama 35805

email: asem-hq<at>

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